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Tips For perfect LinkedIn Profile

A professional headline — Just below your name you’re given up to 120 characters to populate your “headline” field. Consider beginning with a tagline to make a first impression. Next, enter a healthy dose of keywords describing yourself and your areas of expertise.

Only Use Professional Photos – LinkedIn profiles that have a picture are 11 times more likely to be viewed. So if you’re still showing a silhouette, it’s time to make a change and reveal yourself.  Look into the lens to make eye contact and smile. Weirdness and creativity will not serve you well here.

Add a LinkedIn background photo to your personal profile

Does your LinkedIn profile look boring and average?

Give your profile page a bit more personality, or branding, with a visually appealing background image.

LinkedIn advises users to use an image (PNG, JPG, or GIF) with a resolution of 1400×425.

Write a Ridiculously Good Summary

This is where you really sell yourself to potential connections. Your summary should expand on what appears in your headline, highlighting your specialties, career experience, noteworthy accolades, and thought leadership.

In summary of LinkedIn summaries keep your ego in check, focus on the most relevant details about your career, avoid meaningless jargon, and ensure it’s easy to read.

Add Shiny New Sections to Your Profile

LinkedIn lets you add several sections to give your profile more visual appeal and depth. You can add sections for posts, volunteering, languages, honors and awards, patents, causes you care about, and many more.

Showcase Your Skills

The Skills & Endorsements section is an important component of your profile. It’s a way recruiters can find you and how your connections can see, at a glance, the attributes you have.

In fact, your profile is 13 times more likely to get viewed if it includes skills.

Now you know everything you need to do to refresh your LinkedIn profile. Make yourself look amazing, wow future connections, and grow your influence. It all starts with a killer profile.

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