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Are you active on LinkedIn?

Want to use it to connect with potential partners and prospects?

please follow the below steps to increase your Connections On Linked In

1. Determine with whom you should be trying to connect

If you do some reading about LinkedIn marketing on other sites, you’ll find that there are two general opinions.

First, you can reject anyone you don’t know or who doesn’t work in your industry in some form. The idea behind this is to keep your network as “high quality” as possible.

But unlike on other social networks, you don’t get penalized by having a large number of people in your network. So, even if you have a large network of “low quality” connections, it shouldn’t harm your results.

Learn how To Recognize Spam Profiles

Once you strat a descent number of connections you’ll get lot more of Connections in which some of them are might be spammers. So be Carefull while Your Connecting to them.

In particular, fake profiles usually:

  • Don’t have profile pictures or use stock photos (usually of an attractive man or woman)
    have very limited or no information
  • Use a company name instead of a personal name (to market your business through LinkedIn, you need to make connections as a person)
  • Use a logo instead of a profile picture

Post Frequently

LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to share articles and insights with your connections. If you want to grow your connections, it?s important to stand out and post quality articles.

Open networking

Open networkers on LinkedIn are often called LIONs (an acronym for “LinkedIn Open Networkers”). LIONs seek to actively increase their connections by sending out and accepting connection invitations. LIONs, in general, accept invites from anyone, so it’s relatively risk-free to invite a LION into your network.

choose your groups carefully

Pick the ones most relevant to your interests. Feel free to jettison any that don’t yield fruit. Join as many relevant groups as you can and contribute to the conversation

As a start, join the alumni groups for where you went to school and any industry association groups pertinent to your line of work. When you join the discussion, try to lend your expertise to benefit the conversation and to show your interest and your value.

Start your own group

Invite colleagues to join you in discussions that are relevant to your target audience. As a group owner, you will have an opportunity to gather a great deal of useful information that will help your business.

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